Wednesday 23 December 2020

SLJ- Maui Me Te Ra

Talofa Bloggers

The second activity I did today was called Maui Te Ra. I had to start of by watching two videos about Maui and the Sun. After that I had to come up with a poem or song about Maui or the Sun, from Maui and the Sun. I descided to make a poem about Maui. I tried to be very creative with this poem and think about the story of Maui and the Sun. After that I had to screencastify myself saying my poem.

 I think my poem turned out really good and I think we should do another activity like this. 
Thank you for reading my blog post.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Feel free to leave a thoughtful, helpful and positive comment.
Blog you later. 

Here is a link to my work. 


  1. Kia Ora Brittany,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter for the Summer Learning Journey.

    You introduced and explained the activity really well and I am glad to hear that you enjoyed this activity, I am sure there are more like this to come throughout the summer.

    I think your poem sums up the story very well and you described how the men and the sun were feeling and their actions wonderfully. Unfortunately I am unable to view your screencastify can you please share this file
    Anyone on the internet with this link can view so everyone can see it on your blog.

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

  2. Hello Brittney,

    My name is Marwah and I go to Hay Park School. I am also taking part in the SLJ. I came across your blog because I was looking to see who had completed this activity. I am so impressed that you were able to do this task. Do you understand Maori because if not how did you figure out how to do this task? Could you give me some tips to help me. I am also unable to view your video other than that you did really well. Well done!

    Nga Mihi,

  3. Kia Ora Brittany!!

    Your poem was amazing! I really liked it so much that I was thinking it could be posted in a book!

    I couldn't listen to your video because we need access to it, maybe could you change that? But overall it was amazing!!

    Blog you later!!

    Merry Christmas!
