Friday 8 May 2020

Leaf Art

Kia Ora Blogger's I'm back.

This week for one of my Activities for school I did some leaf art. I went outside and found a couple different leaves. I found leaves that were different but they were also a different color. I had three different color leaves. Then I lay out the leaves and tried to make a love heart.
Thank you for reading my blog post!
If you have anytime please leave a comment.
Blog you later๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚

Here is a photo of my leaf art.


  1. Wow Brittany!
    Your leaf art looks really cool. I like the fact you used different colours and different sizes of leaves. I've done leaf art too. I used leaves, flowers, and two lady bugs, I found it on the leaf. I like the idea of making a heart. It looks like a heart. I'm glad to hear you blogging because I love reading your posts. You fill them with detail and a lot of informaion.

    Amazing blogpost Brittany, I love it. Maybe, you could find more leaves and make different shapes. Then blog about it.
    Overall, this was great. Stay safe and stay awesome, blog you later!

  2. Kia ora Brittany, this leaf art is very creative. I particularly like the symmetry of the pattern, with the precise use of colour and shape. It does indeed resemble a love heart. Have you tried to make any other pictures, using items around the home? Keep on being creative - I'll look forward to your next post!
