This term we have been very busy with doing Production Rehearsals, and practising our lines. This year we are doing a production, it is called Jasmine and Aladdin. I am Jasmine in our production. She is one of the main characters. We have been doing lots of our rehearsals after school, and on a Friday in the middle block. Miss McGrath is the teacher that is running the production. She is the producer and director. Miss McGrath has also arranged the whole script. Our production is not until Term Four.
We are given a schedule for what days we are on rehearsals. If our name is on a specific day that means you have to go to rehearsals that day. At rehearsals we would have 15 minutes to go to the toilet, have a drink of water, and have something to eat. Then we would run through a scene or two. Then on a Friday we would try, and run though some of our script with everyone.
I look forward to seeing how our prouduction turns out in Term Four.
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